I believe you will LOVE including these oils when supporting your life experiences!
I began using Young Living Essential Oils personally and in sessions with clients in 2009. Not only is the scent of these oils wonderfully uplifting, but they add to your senses the expansive feeling of healing and relaxation, peace and calming. It is said that they shift your cellular structure so your body becomes more "in the flow" and harmonically balanced with nature.
Working with Young Living Essential Oils in my healing arts practice has been life changing. In 2014 I became a Young Living Essential Oils Distributor for these therapeutic grade plant oils. I enjoy sharing them with others! See the information below if you'd like to place an order for a specific oil.
Some of my favorite essential oils and their special qualities are:
- Peppermint (Respiratory relief)
- Thieves (Immune system, anti aging, environmental cleansing)
- Abundance (Immune system and emotional balance)
- Lemongrass (Skin healing)
- Ylang Ylang (Means "flower of flowers", promotes healthy hair)
- Deep Relief Roll-On (Muscle and bone relief)
- Valor (Emotional clearing)
- Tea Tree (Antibacterial and antiseptic)
- PanAway (Pain relief)
- Lavender (Universal care and healing)
- Frankincense (Spiritual uplifting)
- Eucalyptus (Deodorizing home environment)
- Purification (Neutralizing odors and is an excellent bug repellant)
- OrthoSport Massage Oil (Muscular ease & repair)
For your pet: Mendwell (This oil relieves itching and dry skin)
The above notes are my personal testimonials and those of clients!
Ways to use the oils:
- Topically (2 drops) on your skin: apply to the bottoms of feet, neck, or wrists. Apply directly on painful tight area for massage, or wear as a perfume
- Add to a glass of water or create hot tea (ie: lemon essential oil and water)
- Create a compress with a moist, warm towel after applying the oil
- In a bath: 5-10 drops of essential oil and epsom salts
- Cold diffusing into the air
- Add to cedar chips for drawers or closets
- Direct inhalation
- Add to a gallon of paint to counteract unpleasant smell
- Add to laundry detergent to help rid germs
- Add to dishwashing detergent to cleanse and disinfect
- Hardwood floor cleaner, add drops to vinegar water
- Hot tubs and sauna - add 3 drops per person
- Deodorizing kitchens and bathrooms
- Cooking and food flavorings (herb and spice oils)
Research shows that cold air diffusing certain oils may:
- Reduce bacteria, fungus, mold and unpleasant odors.
- Relax the body, relieve tension, and clear the mind.
- Help with weight management.
- Improve concentration, alertness, and mental clarity.
- Stimulate neurotransmitters.
- Stimulate secretion of endorphins.
- Stimulate growth hormone production and receptivity.
- Improve the secretion of IgA antibodies that fight candida.
- Improve digestive function.
- Improve hormonal balance.
- Relieve headaches.
​Research information on "cold air diffusing" is excerpted from *Essential Oils Pocket Reference, pg 25.
* I recommend purchasing the above mentioned reference book (Essential Science Publishing - essentialscience.net). As you research the various oils and their properties, you'll begin to familiarize yourself with the various oils and choose which oil(s) may best suit your needs. This reference book is invaluable!
If you'd like to purchase a specific oil or two, or have a question about certain oils used in your session,
text me: 207-653-3824, or send an email: sueleonardlmt@gmail.com for more information.
Not sure where to start with choosing an oil? The "Everyday Oils Essential Oil Collection" contains the following 10 oils in a 5ml bottle: Frankincense, Lemon Vitality, Lavender, Melaleuca Alternifolia (Tea Tree), Peppermint Vitality, Joy, Purification, PanAway, Thieves Vitality, Stress Away.
If you're interested in becoming a Member of Young Living and purchasing the oils at the wholesale price (24% off retail), and sharing them with your family, friends or clients, contact me or visit YOUNGLIVING.COM or visit the YL Member Signup page for exclusive deals and benefits as a Young Living Member.
- When visiting the Young Living website, enter my Distributor #1905187 in both the Enroller and Sponsor locations to get started (Susan H Leonard)
Whether interested in the oils for your own healing practice, personal use or to share with family and friends, become a member! These oils and products open a world of health and healing for your body, mind, and spirit.